Photos by Cole McMahon

By: Jacob Greene
Cole McMahon bleeds red and gold. He created his own podcast, immersing himself in the sports world.
McMahon was born in Las Vegas, Nevada but has lived in Menifee, California for the last 16 years. His father’s family is from San Francisco but moved around a lot–living in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania at one point. McMahon’s father was a Pittsburg fan, but eventually became a San Francisco 49ers fan.
McMahon talked about how he got the idea of his podcast,
“One time when me and my dad were going up to the championship game, for the 49ers, we were listening to the 49ers radio–KNBR–and I thought, ‘Dang this would be a really cool job to have.’”
At that time McMahon was planning on becoming a History teacher. Instead, he decided he wanted to pursue something in the sports world. He now lives in the sports world. McMahon built his very own podcast to showcase his love for the red and gold. It takes McMahon approximately two and a half hours total, per episode. McMahon said,
“I’ve gotten a little quicker. It is not too bad now. I kind of have a process.”
This process includes rewatching the game after it is finished, taking notes during the game, and editing the audio for the podcast.
McMahon has about 50 weekly listeners to his podcast. He also has almost 3,300 followers on his Instagram page, as well as 133 subscribers on YouTube. Through all the hard work and dedication McMahon is aware that there are always improvements to be made. McMahon knows he needs to promote it a lot better but also stated,
“It would be great to have a lot of listeners, but just having the experience of doing it is really what I'm in for.”
McMahon draws inspiration from other 49ers fan pages such as Oursf49ers, Niners Nation, and of course the radio network that started it all, KNBR 680. McMahon talked about his inspirations,
“My dad definitely helps me a lot, gives me lots of ideas and knows a lot about sports stuff.”
Although football is his favorite sport, he does not know all the different plays, zones, and coverages-unlike baseball. McMahon currently plays baseball for the Simpson University Red Hawks. McMahon depends on his dad for any extra knowledge he wants to use for his podcast.

McMahon’s biggest achievement was getting 22,000 views on a hype video he made for the 49ers’ 2021-2022 season. Not only that, but at one point was also tagged in a Trey Lance post by Sports Illustrated on Instagram. First and 49ers was tagged in the post along with a few other successful fan-run 49ers accounts.
If you would like to follow Firstand49ers on Instagram, Spotify, and YouTube the links are listed below. Do not forget to also check out the First and 49ers website.
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